This week, we present you New Member Abbey Gopsill, from The Nest, presenting Bilingual Birdies PEI . Abbey is a graduate of our Fall 2021 Activate HER PEI Program!
Member Since: February 2022
Business Name: The Nest, presenting: Bilingual Birdies
What kind of work did you do in the past and what inspired you to start your own business?
I’ve worked in many different industries (finance, retail, food), always focusing on customer excellence. I enjoyed the people I was working with, but after having my daughter and playing / crafting for a year while on maternity leave, I knew that I needed a job that offered more flexibility and creativity. I became certified to teach Kindermusik (a music and movement program for young children) and Bilingual Birdies (a high-energy, musical language learning program for young children). I had begun teaching at Sweet Song Studio in Charlottetown until the pandemic forced it to shut its doors.
When Sweet Song Studio closed it left a huge gap for me and many others as a parent. There was no longer a space where I could go and take my toddler to get an early love of music. She was too young for formal lessons and there was nothing age appropriate. I’ve never been one to shy away from adventure so with lots of support and encouragement from my family, I started The Nest – Charlottetown’s musical language learning studio.
Opening the studio! For as long as I can remember I have wanted to do something creative that incorporated my love of languages, music and makes a difference. It’s hard to believe that I was able to roll so many of my passions into one business.
How long have you owned your business?
My classes started in January 2022.
What have your challenges been? How did you overcome them?
While planning, I tried to accommodate as much as possible for the restrictions due to the pandemic. I didn’t anticipate a full lockdown on my first day of class demos where I was expecting to introduce many new families to my program. Even with the restrictions and the immediate need to move classes to online rather than in person, I have been able to successfully run my first semester (now in person), because of the support of our amazing community. I have 25 students enrolled whose amazing parents believed in the program and lots that have re-enrolled for the next semester.
I am much more creatively wired than business wired, so that has been a big learning curve for me. Luckily, I was able to take advantage of the PEIBWA ActivateHER program in the fall which taught me many helpful skills and introduced me to several valuable mentors.
What have your successes been?
Opening the studio! For as long as I can remember I have wanted to do something creative that incorporated my love of languages, music and makes a difference. It’s hard to believe that I was able to roll so many of my passions into one business.
Any unexpected surprises?
How much fun the online classes have been! Caregivers are so good at getting involved and making it a special time. I still finish every class with a huge smile and full heart. When classes are online, you get to connect to other parts of families’ lives. I know people’s pets, their favorite toys, and how they like to let loose in their own space. I have also been happily surprised at just how open the arms of the business community have been. Any time that I have reached out for guidance, I have received friendly and helpful advice.
What services does your business provide?
The Nest offers the Bilingual Birdies program as a caregiver and child (ages 0-6) class in my Charlottetown studio. In addition, the program can be brought into early learning centres and as a birthday party. Bilingual Birdies is a super fun foreign language and music program where we teach basic vocabulary and short phrases in French through music, dance, and puppetry. This makes learning new words a joyful experience. The primary goal of a Bilingual Birdies class is to teach new vocabulary in a foreign language, celebrate diversity, and have fun while learning! We are the only studio offering musical language learning classes for children, and the only music class for babies and young toddlers.
I also offer my services as a bilingual children’s entertainer for community events – singing and making music in both French and English!
What sets you apart from your competition?
Bilingual Birdies is a child-caregiver music class, it includes puppetry, and is multilingual. It is incredible to watch a baby create music to a beat while mom or grandpa sits with them or hear a two-year-old sing about les bananes. Using puppets is a great way to engage children and encourage them to practice their new language skills! Each semester’s registration includes a mini puppet that the child gets to adopt and bring home to incorporate the lessons into their everyday lives. Because Bilingual Birdies was created for anyone to join, it’s also a great way to either brush up on your French or to immerse yourself in the language for 45 minutes every week!
What areas do you serve?
Anyone who can make it to my Charlottetown studio, daycare partnerships, community events, and birthday parties – and ANYWHERE in the world for my online classes!
How can people contact you?
EMAIL: pei@bilingualbirdies.com
WEBSITE: https://bilingualbirdies.com/pei
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bilingualbirdiespei
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/bilingualbirdiespei